A couple of deals I have done this week are:
WALMART - Sense and Sprays and Lasting Impressions are on rollback here for $5. Using the $4 coupons that are around (from newspaper inserts, magazines - All You in particular - coupons from purchasing previous items etc) these are only $1.

The Fragrance Collection by Glade is also on rollback and if you have the coupon for $3 off any Fragrance Collection item then you can get the bigger candles for a dollar and change or you can get the small one for free.
WALGREENS - I got two of the scented oil candle holders. They are 2 for $4 this week. I used a $2 off a holder coupon and a $1.50 off a holder or refill pack. I was also able to use a coupon to get a free pack of refills when you buy a holder. Bonus was that you get a $1 register reward to spend on your next purchase in store. Brilliant deal.

They also have the small fragrance collection candles as part of the 2 for $4 deal. I have a coupon for a free 2oz. candle so i might try to go back and take advantage of the deal again. I believe I have another $2 off a holder so I could get two items for free and get back a $1 RR. Can't beat that :)
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